So this is my campaign for the final project of my degree; my personal project. A campaign aimed to uncover and inform women what the media are really saying with their unique, sugar coated forms of advertising, by creating a series of adverts to shock and intrigue women. The feminine, pastel colours draw the audience in then the harsh, bold copy hits them hard to cause insult and to educate.
I plan to place my posters in women’s toilets, on the backs of cubicles and above the hand dryers for maximum exposure. The reason i would place them on the backs of cubicles is because it is a place where women get undressed and so they see the parts of their bodies they may rather cover up, and as soon as they leave the cubicle they go straight to the mirror to analyse themsleves. So the toilet door advert would first put doubt in their minds, which they then go and examine in the mirror, then when they dry their hands, they are hit with the advert again, ensuring it has a real impact on them.
I also plan to place my posters in women’s changing rooms. The reason i would place them here is because it is also a place where women get undressed and evaluate their bodies in front of a mirror. There is also the pressure to look right and fit into the best clothes and with the poster their to put doubt into your mind you may even consider just giving up shopping. The aim of the posters is to create a real impact on women and i think the positioning of the posters has a lot to do with how successful they would be.
I'm sorry, but I honestly dont see how this is supposed to help women. I can understand the concern with what media's real message is. I know that they are SO far off base with all the airbrushing they do, and they are definietly sending the wrong message to men and women about what beauty is, but I just don't think these posters will be any more helpful. I think more uplifting and positive messages would be a better idea. Women need to know that they are beautiful creatures, and that they can still love themselves if they are overweight, though they should maintain a healthy body.